Hort Club

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Club Officers 2024-2025
President: Olivia Sirmon
Vice President: Heather Hughes
Treasurer: Payton Davis
Secretary: Bella Kelly
Greenhouse Manager: Maya Olin & _____
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard Harkess

The MSU Horticulture Club offers interested students the opportunity to further their horticultural education in an informal, fun, and competitive manner. Club activities include community service projects, plant sales, trade shows, competition at regional and national meetings, and trips. Through identification and judging of plant materials, students have the opportunity to travel and bring recognition to themselves, and the university.

The mission of the MSU Horticulture Club is to encourage the study and practice of all phases of horticulture. Any interested MSU student is welcome to join the Horticulture Club.

2024 - 2025 Plant Sales

Poinsettia Sale - December 6, 2024 8:00-5:00 at the Dorman Greenhouses

Spring Bedding Plant Sale - April, 2025 (location and date to be announced)


*NEW - MSU Horticulture Club Excellence Endowment*

In spring 2024, the MSU Horticulture Club established the MSU Horticulture Club Excellence Endowment to provide funding for future horticulture student activities and scholarships. Through the hard work of past and current members, a significant contribution and pledge of future contributions was made towards the $25,000 needed to endow the fund. Anyone wanting to help the Horticulture Club reach their goal can contribute to the MSU Horticulture Club Excellence Endowment fund through the MSU Foundation .

Watch for emails from Dr. Harkess and signs posted on the door of 530 Rice Hall announcing the meetings, work nights, and club events.

This year the Horticulture Club has many projects scheduled. We have the poinsettia sale in December as well as our spring bedding plant sale (in April). The club is looking forward to trips to help break up the semester and enhance the learning experience. All active members are welcome on the trips.

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Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity institution.

This page is maintained by Dr. Richard L. Harkess